Ragweed Scientific Literature Review

This page is a review of scientific literature concerning ragweed. Its objective is to identify scientific articles dealing with Ragweed and share them within the community. You will find below the references of the articles classified by themes.

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  • Chérrez-Ojeda, Ivan & Robles-Velasco, Karla & Ramon, German Dario & Barrionuevo, Laura & Calderón, Oscar & Cevallos-Levicek, Denisse & Faytong-Haro, Marco & Espinoza-Maticurena, Andrés & Alvarez-Muñoz, Patricio & Tinoco, Ivan & Makra, László & Deák, Áron. (2024). Ragweed in South America: the relevance of aerobiology stations in Latin America. Aerobiologia. 1-9. 10.1007/s10453-024-09825-x.